Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a digital currency created in 2009 after the crash of the housing market. It makes use of peer-to-peer technology to transfer instant payment. It attracts many people primarily because of the low transaction fees. Today, more and more industries are accepting bitcoin as a form of digital currency. In fact, there are now companies that accept bitcoin as a mode of payment such as bitcoin dedicated server.
It simply means that you can buy a web hosting plan with the use of bitcoin. Everything is done right at your fingertips. All you need to do is to choose a web hosting plan and check out using Bitpay; a highly reputable bitcoin payment gateway. With this method, all you need is a bitcoin address for payment and a valid email address to receive credentials and other vital information.
Why buy hosting services using bitcoin?
Secure payment method – What many people love about bitcoin is its simplicity as a payment method. You don’t need to use your credit card or PayPal account, which makes the transaction more secure. There are bitcoin host providers that integrate bitcoin payment for your site, which makes things all the easier.
Privacy and anonymity – If you are going to compare bitcoin from other payment methods, you will notice that bitcoin offers more privacy and anonymity. You will be able to make payments while keeping your personal and financial information private.
With more and more hosting companies accept bitcoin as a mode of payment, more people can now get the most of what hosting companies have to offer. It does not matter what kind of web hosting services you need, for as long as the company accepts bitcoin payment, you can surely expect a faster, reliable, and secure hosting package.