The Perfect Utility with Perfect Backlinks

What are qualitative backlinks? Qualitative backlinks are links to your web pages that arise because a person or organization finds the content on your web page so interesting that he links to it.

Link building aimed at obtaining natural links is a lot more time consuming and complex than the old link building. But this new form of link building is certainly valuable to include in your search engine optimization strategy.

Nine Ways to Get Natural Links

It keeps switching for a while. Because how exactly do you ensure ‘natural’ links? What do you have to do to get many ‘natural’ links to your website? You can buy backlinks and have all the information.

Use internal links on your website.

Internal links lead to a higher ranking

Contrary to what many people think, internal links do contribute to a higher position in Google. Yet many companies ignore this form of link building in their link building strategy unjustified and especially a shame. Adding internal links to your website is the easiest way of link building.

How do you use internal links on your website?

Hierarchical links between content

How will you work? Ensure a hierarchical structure of your content. In the main content (also called cornerstone content), refer to articles that are lower in the hierarchy. “Lower” articles are articles that contain more detailed information. Refer back to the cornerstone content in the “lower” article. Be sure to place links between articles or web pages with related topics.

Hierarchical links for a pleasant user experience

And voilà, you have added hierarchical links to your website. Through these links, visitors (and Google) understand the structure of your website better. This adds to the user experience. And a pleasant user experience is rewarded by Google with a higher ranking.

Let all websites that should know your website know that your website is online

Consider for which parties it could be interesting to get to know your company online. Make sure they know your business is up and running. Are you struggling to figure out who should get to know your company?

Follow the links to your competitors

You can get a lot of useful information from your competitors’ websites. This makes it possible to find out which external websites refer to your competitor’s website. How? Via Moz Link Explorer. Moz has a handy tool with which you can easily find external links: Moz Link Explorer.

  • Enter the search term on Google that you want to be found on.
  • Copy the URL of the website that appears organically first. The first organic search result can be found directly below the paid search results.
  • Paste this url in the Moz Link Explorer search box. You will then be asked to create a free account.


Paul Petersen

Paul Petersen

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